Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Web Awareness

 This week we explored web awareness and internet safety. As teachers, it is important to become aware of the issues and risks associated with using the internet in the classroom and at home. In class, we covered four main issues associated with children using the internet. Safety on the web was the first issue we explored. In order to ensure our students' safety on the internet, it is important to become familiar with the risks ("Know the Risks"). The Media Awareness website provides teachers' with information and classroom activities or lesson on the following risks; privacy invasions, pornography, cyber-bullying, online predators, spam, misinformation, violent and hateful content, and gambling. The second issue we explored was authenticity of information on the web. Kids, as well as adults, often have the mindset that "if it's on the internet, it must be true". Here is a useful checklist that can be used to evaluate the accuracy of sources. The Media Awareness Network has a list of questions that you can ask yourself when determining whether or not the information you encounter on the internet is accurate and reliable. Marketing to kids on the web was the third issue covered in class. It is important as teachers to help our students understand when, how, and why they are being marketed to. As teachers, we need to address marketing and privacy issues in the classroom.  The last issue we explored was copyright & privacyAs students and teachers, we are faced with the challenges of copyright issues when trying to utilize and integrate materials. It is important for us as teachers to become familiar with the Canadian Copyright Act and to teach our students about it as well. As teachers, we should model to our students how to give credit to the author and cite sources. Teaching our students about the risks and issues associated with the internet helps promote safe internet use within the classroom. 


Beck, Susan. (1997). The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly: Or, Why it`s a good idea to evaluate web sources. Retrieved October 27, 2010, from
Media Awareness Network. (2006). Media and Internet resources; for teachers, for parents. Retrieved October 27, 2010, from

Monday, October 11, 2010

Internet Search & Inquiry- Discovering the Benefits of Physical Activity through Technology

Discovering the benefits of physical activity

Reference to URL's:
IFIC Foundation. (2007). Bright papers: top 5 reasons why physical activity is cool.
Retrieved on October 11, 2010, from
KidsHealth. (1995-2010). Why exercise is cool. Retrieved on October 11, 2010, from
Saskatchewan in Motion. (n.d.). Benefits: how will you benefit from physical activity?
Retrieved on October 11, 2010, from

Grade 3 Physical Education

Description of Activity:
Students will be asked to go to a variety of websites containing information about the benefits of physical activity to the body.  Students will be asked to jot down key points and information found on the websites. From the information gathered, students will send their teacher an email describing, in their own words, the benefits of physical activity.

B (Benefits Health): Students will understand, experience, and appreciate the health benefits that result from physical activity.

B3-6: Students will describe the benefits of physical activity to the body.

ICT Outcomes:
C.1- Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies.
            1.1- Access and retrieve appropriate information from electronic sources for a specific inquiry.
            1.2- Process information from more than one source to retell what has been discovered..
C.3- Students will critically assess information accessed through the use of a variety of technologies.
            1.1- Compare and contrast information from similar types of electronic sources.
C.7- Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning.
            1.2- Summarize data by picking key words from gathered information and by using jottings, point form or retelling.
            1.3- Draw conclusions from organized information.
P.1- Students will compose, revise and edit text.
            1.1 Create original text, using word processing software, to communicate and demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques.
P.2- Students will organize and manipulate data.
            1.1. Read information from a prepared database.
P.6- Students will use communication technology to interact with others.
            1.1 Compose a message that can be sent through communication technology.

Teaching Rationale (Why use technology?):
Children at this age may not know all of the benefits of physical activity to the body. By using technology for this activity, students will become aware of the many benefits of physical activity. Using technology for this activity is beneficial as it provides the students with concrete evidence of the benefits that result from being physical active. The internet provides a quick and easy way to research and find reliable (most of the time) information.